Greenbelt Business Directory /
Greenbelt Business Alliance / Greenbelt, MD
2022 – 2024
YES proposed and developed an online directory of 2,000 Greenbelt business, nonprofit, and government entities for Greenbelt Business Alliance in partnership with the City of Greenbelt and Chiquita Jackson Enterprise. The City’s Economic Development Office will use the data collected by YES and CJE to identify and provide technical assistance to historically-marginalized business owners. The nonprofit GBA will use the directory as its website and member management platform. GBA seeks to build on its mission to “Create a resilient and regenerative Greenbelt economy that is diverse, inclusive, equitable, and environmentally sustainable.”
Funding provided by the National League of Cities’ Inclusive Entrepreneurship Program and the American Rescue Plan Act via the City of Greenbelt.

Young Entrepreneurship Program
The Pathways Schools / Greenbelt, MD
YES facilitated a semester-long entrepreneurial training course for high school students from Prince George’s Baltimore, Anne Arundel, and Montgomery counties.
Funding provided by The Pathways Schools via area financial instutions.