We invite your company to invest in our next generation of Greenbelt area job creators. Add your company’s name as a supporter of BizVenture! It will pay dividends for our young people, your company, and for the region for years to come!
$10,000 – “BizVenture! presented by [Your Company].”
Opportunity limited to 5 presenters.
- Hotlink to your website.
- Top tier mention in our email newsletter.
- Announcement on our social media channels.
- Inclusion in press releases & PSAs.
- Name and logo on posters and programs.
- Shout-out at activities & events.
$5,000 – “BizVenture! underwritten by [Your Company].”
Opportunity limited to 10 underwriters.
- Hotlink to your website.
- Second tier mention in our email newsletter.
- Announcement on our social media channels.
- Inclusion in press releases & PSAs.
- Logo on posters and programs.
- Shout-out at activities & events.
$1,000 – “BizVenture! sponsored by [Your Company].”
Opportunity limited to 15 sponsors.
- Hotlink to your website.
- Mention in our email newsletter.
- Mention on our social media channels.
- Logo on posters and programs.
$25-$1,000 – “[Your Company] Prize”
- Hotlink to your website.
- Mention in our email newsletter.
- Mention on our social media channels.
- Shout-out at awards events.
$25 – BizBuck Drawing Prize
Opportunity limited to 10 sponsors.
$50 – BizQuiz Drawing Prize
Opportunity limited to 10 sponsors.
$25-$500 – BizIdea Challenge Prize
Opportunity limited to 35 sponsors.
$75-$750 – BizKamp Scholarship
Opportunity limited to 25 sponsors.
$100-$1,000 – BizPlan Competition Prize
Opportunity limited to 35 sponsors.